Thursday, June 9, 2011

First Week of Creativity, Day 2--Pinspiration Bananas

I didn't realize when I started the creativity challenge that there was a calendar for it with suggestions on themes to create around each day! Some of them were fun to incorporate, and other days I just did my own thing, but it's awesome to at least have a prompt on hand, just like those grade school writing assignments :) Here's what I did for Day 2:

Have you heard of Pinterest yet? I'm kinda in love with it! Jenny did a post about it a while ago if you want more info, but I'm sure I will also be gushing about it constantly because it seems to be the birthplace of the greatest ideas! Basically, it is a site where users can create digital pin-boards for all of their interests (thus Pin-terest). Say you are on your favorite blog, like this one (ha ha, I wish!) and you see a totally awesome idea/tutorial/product etc. that you want to remember. Just click "Pin it" on your bookmarks bar (which you put there when you created an account) and a dialog box will pop up so you can pick thumbnail and type a description. Then all of your followers will see it, so you can instantly share cool ideas with your friends and also remember them for later, especially if you want to try to DIY something, but don't have time when you read it! Can you tell I'm totally loving this concept? I have boards for fashion, crafts, cool photos, recipes, random sayings--you name it!

I also follow a ton of super crafty people, so I am constantly drooling over their ideas, and re-pinning them to my own boards so I can try them later. That's where Day 2's "Pin"spiration came from :)

Someone pinned a "faux ice cream" recipe that consisted only of a frozen banana and 2 tablespoons cocoa, and I had wanted to try it but never got around to it. Then I saw that the calendar prompt was ice cream, and I was on a no sugar challenge with my sisters and only had 30 minutes between work and choir practice, so I decided to use the "pinsiration" for a creative snack. And I am here to tell you---it was delicious! Here's some photos of the process:

Looks awesome right? It totally was! If I did it again, I would blend the frozen banana first, and then I would put the cocoa in and stir it, and then turn the blender back on for the ultra mix. Now you go try it :)

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